Utilities Division is envisaged by Gadang to be a sector with good potential for development and long term growth.
In 2005, Gadang, through Asian Utilities Pte Ltd (“AUPL”) acquired its first water concession in Sidoarjo, East Jawa, Indonesia. To date, AUPL owns one mini-hydro power concession and three water concession in Indonesia with a total water production of 1,050 litre/second.
Moving forward, the division actively seeks business opportunities and expansion in water business and power generation within Asia region by exploring and inspiring potential in partnership and engagement. The division will also focus on quality improvement to strive for its valued customer satisfaction.
PT Ikhwan Mega Power
Location: Kecamatan Lintau Buo Utara, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia
Description:Utilities Division subsidiary, PT. Ikhwan Mega Power (PT IMP), achieved another significant milestone with the commencement of commercial operations for its second 4.5MW run-of-river hydro unit. This unit was successfully synchronised with the Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PT PLN), an Indonesian state-owned utility company distribution grid on 27 September 2023, following the official commercial operation date (COD) of the first unit on 7 July 2023.
The 9MW mini hydropower plant located in Kecamatan Lintau Buo Utara, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, West Sumatera Province, is now generating recurring revenue stream to the division, under a 15 years concession period.Nusantara Suriamas Sdn Bhd
Location: Tawau, Sabah
Description:Utilities Division 70%-owned subsidiary Nusantara Suriamas Sdn Bhd (NSSB) has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) for a large-scale solar power plant photovoltaic (LSSPV) in December 2021.
NSSB will design, construct and operate a solar photovoltaic energy generating facility with a capacity of 5.9 Megawatt alternating current (MWac) in Tawau, for connection to SESB’s medium voltage distribution network at PPU Sri Indah.
The PPA governs the obligations of NSSB and SESB to sell and purchase the energy generated by the facility for a period of 21 years from the commercial operation date which is expected on 30 June 2024.